We're pleased to present Shannon Bailey's fine photography to the general public.
Shannon's work has been shown professionally over the course of the past ten years.
Currently her canvases are on display at Shannon's Studio at Friday Harbor Atelier and at Shepherd's Work on San Juan Island, WA.
If you're interested in purchasing Shannon's art, please contact the office.
Pieces are reasonably priced and can be printed to several different sizes on canvas or digital images can be purchased.
• Please do not reproduce or use any of Shannon's images without her written permission. •
"I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in." George Washington Carver
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork."
Ps 91:1 Artist: God


I am the mother of four grown children, grandmother of three, a naturalist, kayak guide, photographer, former shepherd, Captain, who loves the beauty of God's creation. I love to travel and take photos and explore nature. I have lived on San Juan Island in Washington state for over 30 years, working here and in SE Alaska and in British Columbia on boats in the summer. I started to take photos as part of my job as the naturalist on our vessels, and found that photography helps me to look deeper into my surroundings capturing images that often are overlooked. Photography brings joy and gratitude to my soul as I appreciate what I see and capture.

Growing up in California, Mexico was my neighbor, so travels started then to Mexico and have continued over the years, a country I love to explore, both by land and by sea. My one brother moved to Costa Rica, stayed and grew a family...so had to visit and explore it's beauty.

Oceanography and the creatures that live in the sea...Geology and the tumbling of rocks on the seashore...and then Daughter went to school for a year in New Zealand...perfect opportunity to explore this lovely island country.
When I was a young girl my best friend went to Africa with her family. She went to Kenya. Her dad did a short term medical mission as an eye doctor there. She brought me back a beautiful Maasai beaded necklace.
I was given one Christmas eve a book called The Lion by Joseph Kessler. It was a book about a girl in Kenya and her lion, King, and a young Maasai warrior who wanted to marry her. I read it into the night.
My mother who loved folk music would sing to me:
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
Among the many books on the book shelves at home was a book about African women, with the image of a Maasai maiden on the cover. I read the book and intrigued wrote a report on the Maasai in Kenya for my World History class.
And how can I forget watching the movies about Elsa the lion, Born Free and Living Free, also based in Kenya.
Images of lions and the Maasii and Kenya wove throughout my childhood.
Whispers of love for Africa for Kenya grew in my heart in secret places…..blossoming when I watched the movie Out of Africa and read the book of the same title by Isak Dinsen, the story of this Danish woman ……who had a farm in Africa at the foot of the Ngong Hills in Kenya.
Kenya has a secret place in my heart, planted in my heart by God. I have had the opportunity several times to spend time there and befriend her people and her beautiful countryside.

Once I found out my name was Irish, I was destined to visit my ancestral land...a dream that started in 5th grade and finally realized in 2014. Found my family home and stood in the church where my great grandfather was baptized. Found that Ireland still is calling me to come back.
My friend wanted to travel on a ship and see the Northern Lights and visit the frozen ice hotel in Norway. So I joined her. I found Oslo alive with art.

Taking a photography and playing with it, manipulating the image by light, color, design, artistic expression is just plain fun.